What do Joan's daughters have in Common with these famous people?
Jesse James, and Russian Czar Nicholas Romanov II (Czar Nicholas II and his family's bones were buried in lime, Amos 2:1)

Sophia of Hanover(Granddaughter of King James VI of Scotland and James I of England), Elizabeth Stuart (Daughter of King James VI of Scotland and James I of England)

King George I of Great Britain, King George III of UK, and King George V of UK and Ireland.
Princess Maud of Wales became the Queen of Norway, Alexandra of Denmark became Queen of the United Kingdom, and Empress Maria Feodorovna known formerly as Princess Dagmar of Denmark.
These famous Princesses, Princes, Kings, Queens, and infamous outlaw, all share our Mitochondrial DNA. We all belong to the same mitochondrial Haplogroup T, and for us specifically, with Jesse James, we are T2. The men shown here inherited their mother's mtdna just like his sisters, unaltered and intact, but only females can pass on their mother's mtdna. The men's mtdna is not passed onto his children, because his children will inherit his wife's mitochondrial DNA.
What does all of us having the same mitochondrial DNA mean?
Since Mother's pass on their mtdna to their daughters with little or no mutations for thousands of years; then we can theoretically have a common ancestral MOTHER, for all of us walking around with the same T2 mutations. This is a direct lineage from mother to daughter. The other T groups are not directly or closely related, even though we are all T's and technically come from the original T mother.
Mutations in the DNA
Mutations or polymorphisms happen very slowly and are changes in the letter codes of our DNA. There are not so many as to make it confusing to follow or too few to not mean anything. Every haplogroup has numerous clad and sub-clad groups because of new mutations that make that particular group slightly different. Are all the clan lineages still related? Yes, to some degree but not directly. Our direct maternal descendent is the T2 mother that mutated away from her T mother that created our particular group overall. All of the descendants of T2: mothers, daughters, and granddaughters etc., will have the new mutation and become part of the T2 group. T2 is our matriarchal mother.
The Codes
There are four letter codes: A- adenine, T- Thymine, G- Guanine, and C-cytosine, chemicals with the same double-helical structure as chromosomal DNA. Mtdna and chromosomal DNA can both be sequenced using the same process. Mitochondrial DNA are contained, locked in, within each cell and cannot be changed when sperm meets egg like chromosomal DNA can; for example, one child with blonde hair- blue eyes, and the other with brown hair- brown eyes. The mtdna stays intact and rarely changes in some cases from 6,000- 12,000 or 20,000 years. It takes that long.
These codes (A-T-G-C) change or mutate to any number of combinations. There are restrictions; A can only mutate to T and vice versa, and G can only mutate to C and vice versa. When a mutation happens, it gets passed on creating a slightly different code. What makes us T2 is the mutation 16304C. There are T's without this particular mutation. Do we have a common ancestor? Yes. One difference, in our codes, means the farther away our common ancestor is.
Jesse James has the exact 16304C mutation as us; so, one of our grandmothers, a sister, niece, or cousin could be the link between us.
Czar Nicholas Romanov is a T, some say T2, but not an exact match, almost. We have all the same mutations except, we have one more mutation, 207A. We are related, but not closely because our T2 Mother had an extra base code change, he did not have. I don't have his full base code, so I can only go on the published mtdna that is in part. Also, Czar Nicholas Romanov had a heteroplasmy at code 16169. A heteroplasmy is; where there is present, normal and abnormal DNA within the cell. Heteroplasmys can cause mtdna related illness. We do not have that. His cousin had the same heterplasmy which definitively identified the authenticity of his bones. So, the connection we have is that we both come from the original mother.
Mitochondrial Eve
The theory is there is one mitochondrial Eve, and all the haplogroups evolved from her. Not so, there were at least 2,000 EVES (a previous Scientific Theory that was discarded) which coninsides with my biblical belief that all the races were created on the sixth day. Eve, which is called the Mother of all living, to me, refers to all spiritual living, not all the races. Just like the theory that Black people were cursed by God and came from Canaan, Ham's son. Not so, Noah cursed Canaan not God because Canaan was a child of incest between Ham and Noah's wife Gen: 9:22. The curse had nothing to do with skin color.....Period! For those of you who do not know what it means to "See your Father's nakedness" Leviticus 18:6-8 will explain what this means.
The scientists and genetists are trying to do reverse discrimination, in creation, instead of all living coming from the biblical White Eve, we are supposed to all come from a black Eve from Africa. It's called the" Out of Africa Theory of Evolution". Again, NO race came from another race. All the races were created the same day...Period!
What does T mean? AGRARIANS
T stands for the name TARA and also that we are Agrarians or farmers. Tara (mutated 17,000 years ago and T2- 10,000 yrs. ago) was given this name by Bryan Sykes the geneticist famous for sequencing the mtdna of Iceman, a 5000 year old mummy found in the Italian Alps, in 1991. Cheddar man was discovered in 1903, but B. Sykes analysed his mtdna in 1996 and found him to be a U-Ursala descendant. B. Sykes is also a T, and Tara is predominately found in Germany, France, Britain, Spain, and Scandinavia. Dr. Sykes wrote the book "The Seven Daughters of Eve" telling his story of how he came to discover a mitochondrial link between Iceman and a living person, both having the same K -Katrina(16,000 yrs. ago) mtdna. Another daughter is H or Helena (30,000 yrs, ago). The other daughters are Ursala(60,000 yrs. ago), Xenia (30,000 yrs. ago), Velda (15,000 yrs. ago), and Jasmine (10,000 yrs. ago).
Jasmine is Tara's sister. Jasmine and Tara were actually a group JT (50,000 yrs. ago) that split and became two separate lineages. The Jasmine lineage are also agrarians.
Tara, according to Sykes, mutated away from her mother around Northern Italy, Tuscany to be exact. Tara was also the first to use a hollowed-out log as a boat; hence, Viking ship builders. Tara is found predominately in Europe going as far North as Lapp country, but we are not Lapp Lander or Saami people. The Saami people, deer herders, are mostly a mixed people, mongoloid and Celtic.
Hypervariable Regions
There are two regions sequenced and read in mtdna. They are abbreviated HVR1 (16001-16520) and HVR2 (0001-574).
Our specific mutations in these two regions that make us T and specifically T2 are:
16126C, 16294T, 16296T, 16304C, 16519C, 73G, 207A, 263G, and 315.1C
16519C means we are Icelandic, and Daddy has this mutation too. We are T because of 126C, and 294T.
Here are some of the related T .Subgroup Associated HVR1 Mutations and what they mean:
T1 16163–16186–16189
T2 16304
T3 16292
T4 16324
T5 16153
DNA Concordance
There is a DNA Concordance where one can look up the specific mutations to see where exactly our descending grandmothers have come from. After many hours of research, this is what I have found T to be.... VIKINGS! We are genetically, almost half Viking based on our mother's mtdna, and historically Vikings (Norsemen) were, for the most part, farmers.
We are Swiss, Finnish, Volga Finnish, Spanish, Icelandic, Portuguese, and Karelian. Isn't that interesting?
There are many T2 cousins in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The difference is we have one more mutation that makes us Viking or descended from the Norsemen, 519C. Historically many Irish and Scottish women were kidnapped and forced to be Viking wives, but our combination of mutations means as descendants we are strongly related to the Finnish. These women are also connected to Kent, England, the infamous Norman territory and Northern France, called Normandy. The Norsemen invaded Northern France in 911 AD, and then by 1204 AD, the then known Normans were conquered by the French King Philip and declared themselves French.
This makes sense, since one of Nanna's great-grandmothers was a French Huguenot that fled France for Germany, because of religious persecution. By the end of the seventeenth century, all the Huguenots were out of France.
The Karelians
The Karelians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNzj3jlJ-Os&feature=related are Fins that live next to Finland in Russia, as well as Finland. Our fore-grandmother mutated somewhere along the Volga River between Moscow and St. Petersburg, no doubt living in a town, along an established Viking trade route. I might also add, St. Petersburg is right along the coastline of the Gulf of Finland where Lake Ladgoda is, and where a vital Viking trade-route was established, one of many. Russia got its name from the leader of the Varangians (Viking Fins) called Rus. So, those Karelians, their traditional dress and music being similar to Hebrews, could be our T2 cousins, nieces, or Aunts.
Tara Dispersion
Here are some percentages of Tara dispersion: Finland 7%, Sweden 22%, Norway 11%, Denmark 10%, Ireland 7%, Sicily, one specific town, 18%, Estonia 4%, and Ibiza, Spain 18%.
General information about Tara.
Some distant relatives here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichtenstein_Cave
This is a huge subject to research. Please note that B. Sykes is an "Out of Africa" theorist. Even though my personal beliefs are in conflict, I can only work within the confines of this theory.
In summation, our mitochondrial lineage is T2 with numerous T cousins before us and after us. We have one common ancestor that lived 17,000 years ago, that was the first T mother. Her daughter's mutated away from her little by little, to form their own specific mtdna lineage. How many differences means the farther away our common ancestor is. Still related? Yes, just not as closely as one with no differences. Our mtdna makes us Vikings, Finnish with Swiss, Norwegian, Icelandic, Portuguese, and Spanish in the mix.
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