The Artisans lived in the area of what is present-day England, France, Spain, and Portugal. They first arrived about 30,000 years ago; concurrently with the Aurgnacian Culture. The Artisians brought significant technological progress by shaping flint tools for everyday use. They are the first people to make bead jewelry, and exhibit some form of self-awareness, by adorning themselves. They were the first to use paint and paint in caves, and they are also most noted for creating games, for entertainment and socializing.
The Gravettian culture succeeded the Aurgnacian culture. Archaeologists have found evidence which depicts an advanced culture with elaborate burial practices, projectiles (bow and arrow), and deity worship. Because of their tribal hunter- gatherer organization and bountiful horticultural resources, they were considered a semi- sedentism culture.
R1b's origins lie within this Gravettian culture. More than 50% of present-day European Y- genetic endowment is R1b. The highest concentrations of R1b are in Scotland 80%, Ireland 80%, Wales 90%, UK is split 70%/80%, Netherlands 80%, Northern Spain and Portugal 80%, France 70%, Italy and Central Europe 50%, and Iceland 40%.
The specific marker that distinguishes our group from the others is M269 which means Scottish, Frisian, North West Irish, and South Irish.
The Frisians are Germanic people living in coastal parts of the Netherlands, Germany, and Dutch Provinces of Friesland.
Our haplogroup is called an Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH) because these markers are all present: location: 385a (allele value 14) 388 (14) 390(24) 391(11) 392(13) 393(13)
What does Atlantic Modal Haplotype mean? Specifically, it means that this group left the area of Palestine, moved east over the Caucausus mountains migrating northward, then westward, into Europe, and ending up in Spain. From Spain, this group traveled up the Atlantic coast line invading Ireland. Historically, this group, that left Spain, is called the Milesians.
In his book," Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland", Bryan Sykes names five paternal clans specific to the Isles: Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, and the UK. The names are Oisin (pronounced O'Sheen), Sigurd, Re, Wodan, and Eshu. Our paternal lineage group, according to Sykes, is Oisin. The AMH is the commonest y-chromsome signature of the clan Oisin.
There are regions of y-chromosomal DNA that change rapidly and often. Then, there are regions of y- chromosomal DNA that NEVER change. By these consistent unchanging y- chromosomes, there becomes a very noticeable y- chromosome fingerprint that gets passed on from Father to Son. If there are two men with the same identical y- chromosome fingerprint or signature, they come from the same patrilineal ancestor. Just like in Mitochondrial DNA analysis, an identical sequence means the same maternal ancestor.
Other R1b Y- haplogroup members are Niall of the Nine Hostages (High King of Ireland), Colla Uais (High King of Ireland), Emperor Nicholas Romanov II (King of Russia), John Adams, John Quincy Adams (both Presidents of the United States), and Bob H.
Niall of the Nine Hostages marker is M222, not an exact match.
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