Thursday, November 17, 2011

John Vandegrift

John Vandegrift of Neshameny, Bensalem Twp. Bucks County
(John is the son of John Vandegrift and Anna (Backer) The grandson of Nicholas Vandegrift one of Johannes' brothers that removed to Bucks County with the family in 1696. John whose will was probated Jan. 16, 1779 was the great grandson of Capt. Jacob Vandegrift and Rebecca (Lubbertsen)
Will# 1622, pg. 34
Written 13 January 1777
Proved 16 January 1779

In the name of God Amen, I John Vandegrift of Neshameny in the Township of Bensalem in the County of Bucks & State of Pennsylavania. Being sick and weak of Body, but of perfect Mind & Memory & Judgement. Thanks be to Almighty God calling to Mind my Mortality of that I am to remove hence of this world. I thought proper to settle my Worldly Affairs to present Contention & Trouble in my family. When I am gone hence, Imprimis, I recommend my soul into the Hands of the merciful God, hoping the Pardon of all my Sins through the merits of Christ my Savior. ----My Body or Remains I order to be buried in a Christian & decent Manner at the Discretion of my Soul hereafter named. 3rd, As to my Worldly Effects that God has blessed me with---I order my funeral Charges to be paid and all my lawful Debts to be discharged, in some reasonable time as soon as my Executors can get things settled and adjusted. 4th I order my Wife to stay on the Plantation & Labor it to raise up the Children till they be capable to procure a living & Subsistence to themselves & pay to my aged Mother her part of the Dowry that falls to my Lot to pay. 5th I order my Executors in a short time after my decease to sell off as much of the Stock of Pigs & Cattle as can be spared only leaving so much as is wanted to carry on the Plantation Business.
6th I leave and appoint my dear Wife with her own Brother Jonathan Walton & my Last Will & Testament, confiding in their Honesty & Integrity, that Justice may be done to every one, interested & concerned & to all my Children I hereby revoke all Wills & Testament and I do appoint this to be my Last Will & Testament, bearing Date this Thirteenth Day of January Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Seven & in the Second Year of the free State of Pennsylvania & sealed to my Seal.
Witness present at the signing & acknowledging of this my Will W. Lindsay & James How. Signed John Vandegrift. (Seal)
Bucks Co. So this 16th day of January 1779 appeared James How, one of the Witnesses to the above Instrument of Writ ting, W. Lindsay the subscribing Witness being dead. Who on his solemn Affirmation did declare of that he was present & saw & heard the above named John Vandegrift, sign, seal, publish & declare the same as of for his Last Will & Testament, and that at the time of his so doing he the said Testator, was of sound Mind, Memory & Understanding to the best of his Knowledge and Belief. And also that he this Affirm ant saw W. Lindsay the deceased Witness above named sign his Name as a Witness to the same Transaction at the same time.---Before me John Hart ( Registrar)
Bucks Co. Be it remembered that on this 16th Day of January 1779, the withing written Last Will & Testament of John Vandegrift deceased was proved in the Manner within mentioned, whereof Letters Testamentary were granted to Ann Fetters (late Ann Vandegrift) and Joseph Vandegrift the Executrix and one of the Executors therein named, (Jonathan Walton the other Executor renouncing). They being first solemnly sworn well & Truly to administer the Goods, Rights & Credits of the said Deceased, and to exhibit unto the Registrars Office for the said County of Bucks a true Inventory & Conscionable Appraisement of the same in one Month from this Date, and within twelve months or when their unto legally required, render a just Account of their whole Administration. Witness my hand and Seal of the said Office, John Hart (Reg)
Registered January 16,1779

Jacob Vandegrift

Jacob Vandegrift of Bensalem Twp. ( Son of Johannes and Neeltje and Brother of Fulkert)
Will # 1307, page 229
Written October 4, 1770
Proved 11 May 1771

In the Name of God, Amen. I Jacob Vandegrift of the Township of Bensalem in the County of Bucks, in the Province of Pennsylvania, and being---and weak, but of sound mind and memory do think fit to make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & Form following: First it is my will that all my just Debts and Funeral expenses be paid. I give my Son John the sum of twenty pounds besides the Plantation I have already given him by Deed of Gift, whereon he now dwells to be paid to him by my Executors, one year after my Decease. Then I give and bequeath to my son Bernard my Plantation in Lower Dublin late belonging to Peter Kean containing Two Hundred and Ten Acres more or less, together with five Acres and half of Marsh mentioned in the farmed Deed joining to Meadow late of Neals Boon, to him and his Heirs and assigns forever Repaying One Hundred and Fifty Pounds of the Arrears due for the said Plantation. Item I give and bequeath to my Son Jacob the Plantation whereon I dwell, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less to his Heir and Heirs and Assigns forever. Item I give to my Daughter Charity the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds to be paid by my Executors out of my Personal Estate within one year after my Decease. Item I give to my Daughter Helen the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds to be paid by my Executors out of my Personal Estate Sufficient to my---the Legacies, before mentioned the---shall be equally divided between all my children, and if any of my Children shall die and leave theirs, the children of the deceased shall-- rights equal of that their Parents when living. An I do further order that all the Household & Goods which I shall be posed of at the time of my Decease, Shall be equally divided between my two Daughters Charity and Helen. And further my Will is that if my Brother Abraham shall forgive me and should die without children, That one fifth part of the Plantation which was given him by his Father ( who by my Father's will was and have fallen to me, Shall be equally divided between my two Sons John & Bernard, Jacob, charity, & Helen. And lastly I appoint my two Sons John & Bernard to Execute this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this Fourth Day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy. Jacob Vandegrift (Seal)
Signed Sealed and declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testament, in the presence of us William Baker, James How, Anne Foster, Bucks Co. May 11,1771. They personally appeared James How & Anne Foster who upon their solemn Oath respectively did declare that the subscribed their names as Witnesses to therein written Instrument of Writing and that they saw Jacob Vandegrift the Testator Sign, Seal publish and declare the ssme as above his last Will & Testament. And that at the Time of so doing he was of Sound Mind & Memory. William Hicks (Registrar)
Bucks Co Be it remembered that this 11 Day of May 1771 John Vandegrift one of the Executors named in his written Will upon his solemn Oath was duly qualified all & truly Executed the Same and faithfully to administer all the Goods & Chattels of the Testator within one year & month from this date to Exhibit a true Inventory & Confirmable Aforementioned by Apprasors duly qualified, on to the Registrars office the County of Bucks and all--just Account of his whole Administer to said as when he shall be thereunto lawfully---Letters---the then granted to this John Vandegrift. Wm. Hicks (registrar)